
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Doomsday 2008 - Review

im not saying this is bad i just dont know what the fuck this is

it seemed like they wanted to make a move, but couldn't decide what to make
so they decided
a futuristic zombie movie but not zombie(just crazy people dying & killing others), red Indian like modern crazy cannibals, medieval king(scientist) knights, gladiators & crash bandicoot like car chase

gotta hand it to them
this is the most fucked up mixture of a movie I ever saw

& cosplay would have been a better name for this than doomsday

all in all id say this movie is a wtf

Saturday, May 10, 2008

whts up with mvblogs

ive been trying to submit these blogs for sometime now
but it just wont show up in mvblogs
can anyone help?